Providing Roofing, Roofing Restoration, Metal Roofing, and Remodeling Solutions that will last a lifetime

Your Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Metal Roofing Leader in Springfield, Illinois

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*Free estimates apply to full replacement work. Repairs not included.

Create A New Life For An Old Roof!

At Rhino Roofing, our roofing restoration systems provide a great return on investment by lowering your utility expenses, creating a barrier that insulates and waterproofs your roof, and extends the life of your roof. In some cases, our roofing restoration systems can prevent future roof tear offs. Our roof restoration in Springfield, Illinois includes:

  • Metal Roofs
  • EPDM Roofs
  • TPO Roofs
  • PVC Roofs
  • Membrane Roofs
  • Ply Systems
  • Single Ply Systems

Don’t Replace Your Roof, Restore It!

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Our Roof Restoration Systems

Metal Roofing Restoration Systems
Single Ply Membrane Roofing Restoration System
Industrial Roofing

Metal Roofing Restoration System

Before you think about replacing your metal roof for a brand-new one, contact Rhino Roofing and see how our metal roofing restoration in Springfield, Illinois can save it. Believe it or not, roof replacement may not be your best option. Our metal roof restoration services help fix leaks and prevent future ones as well as prevent rusting. Our roofing technicians can replace damaged roof parts and apply a waterproof coating that restores the strength of your metal roof that will last for years. Contact our roofing company and we will provide a detailed inspection of your metal roof and see if metal roofing restoration is a viable option for you.

Rhino Roofing Restoration Process For Metal Roofs:

metal roofing restoration surface preparation springfield il

To prepare the roof, we will remove rust and scale by pressure washing your roof.

roofing primer springfield il

We prime your roof with Metal Ready which forms a strong protective barrier that will inhibit rust from forming on steel surfaces. This primer acts as an inhibitor to stop further spread of the oxidation process.

roofing restoration contractor springfield il

We will caulk all fasteners, sealing them, making a barrier and keeping water out, stopping leaks.

metal roof seam sealing springfield il

We reinforce the vertical and horizontal seams using fabric or tape to seal them, creating a barrier from water.

metal roof reflective top coats springfield il

The final coat will encase the entire roof providing long-term waterproofed performance at a fraction of the cost of a new metal roof.

EPDM, TPO, and PVC Membranes & Restoration Recoating System

Our membrane recoating system for EPDM, TPO and PVC roofs provide a waterproofing system that enhances and extends the life of your roof. Over time and because of weather, your roofing system may start to crack, leak, collect debris; decreasing the effectiveness and efficiency of your roof. Rhino Roofing offers a membrane recoating system that is a cost-effective solution and helps preserve your roof. It can prevent leaks, increase energy efficiency, and increase the longevity of your roof. Contact our roofing company for EPDM, TPO, and PVC membrane re-coating systems in Springfield, Illinois.

Rhino Roofing Restoration Process For EPDM, TPO and PVC Membrane Recoating Systems:

membrane roof recoating prep springfield il

We will remove all loose dirt and debris and clean your roof.

single ply membrane roof restoration springfield il

The primer will promote adhesion between the roof coating and the newly cleaned roof.

membrane roofs springfield il

We will reinforce all the seams with lightweight, flexible, seamless and waterproof fabric ensuring your roof will be leak proof.

membrane roof systems springfield il

Our white, reflective topcoat is spray applied and resulting in a fully adhered seamless membrane that is completely waterproof and helps lower utility costs.

Spray Polyurethane Foam System

Rhino Roofing has a spray polyurethane foam system that insulates and waterproofs your roof to prevent leaks and lateral water movement. This roofing restoration system helps lower your energy costs and extend the life of your roof. It lasts throughout all weather conditions, which is a necessity living in the Midwest. Contact Rhino Roofing for more information about our spray polyurethane foam system for your roof in Springfield, Illinois.

Rhino Roofing Restoration Process For Spray Polyurethane Foam System:

foam roof restoration springfield il

Clean surface or apply new board.

spray foam roofing restoration springfield il

Apply a minimum thickness of one-inch SPF.

foam roofing base coating springfield il

We apply the base coat which is top quality acrylic latex.

spray foam roof top coating springfield il

Our topcoats offer strength, versatility, flexibility, and premium waterproofing. Its white surface reflects the sun and keeps your building cooler, lowering your cooling expenses.

Request a Free Estimate

*Free estimates apply to full replacement work. Repairs not included.